2nd AgroFossilFree Transnational Innovation Workshop

On the 23th of September 2022 at 09.00 a.m., the 2nd Transnational Innovation Workshop of the AgroFossilFree project was conducted at IAFE-NRI facilities, in Warsaw, Poland.

The workshop was dedicated to open-field production, having as ultimate aim to monitor the current conditions and further perspectives of end-users regarding adoption of fossil energy free technologies and strategies (FEFTS).

AGENSO participated in the workshop and presented the AgEnergy platform (https://platform.agrofossilfree.eu) that has developed within the AgroFossilFree project.
Moreover, during the workshop, participants such as farmers, agronomists, advisors, and researchers were able to learn about the outcomes of 8 regional national innovation workshops conducted around the EU (Greece, Spain, Ireland, Poland, Italy, Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany) and provide their feedback regarding needs and crucial energy problems of farms, applicability of solutions/FEFTS, policy needs, and their potential contribution in the defossilization of agriculture.

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