The Secretariat of Research and Development has announced today the official start of 116 research projects that was funded through the action "Ερευνώ – Δημιουργώ – Καινοτομώ" supported from the Research and Innovation Division of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs.
The 4 projects that AGENSO was funded are:
- EffiSpray - An innovative system for Efficiency optimization of Spraying operations
- EffiTill - An innovative system for Efficiency optimization of Tillage operations
- SymbIoT - Integration of GNSS capabilities into field telemetry stations to offer high-quality navigation and precision farming services
- OliveArts - Smart Olive Orchards and Vineyards Monitoring Using Drones
More news regarding the aforementioned projects will be published the following dates. Stay tuned!