AGENSO attended the last three days of February (February 27-29, 2024) in Vic, Barcelona, where the 6th Project Coordination Meeting for the European AccelWater project took place, which was organized by the Spanish partners and more specifically by the BETA Technological Institute, the meat processing industry MAFRICA S.A., and INNOVACC Clúster català de la carn i la proteïna alternativa.
AccelWater is a research and development project focused on implementing innovative solutions for water management and resource optimization in the food industry.
At the meeting, the progress and the results that have been achieved up to this moment regarding the work packages and activities of the project were presented, while the next steps were defined for the successful implementation and achievement of the project’s goals.
During the third day of the meeting, the consortium had the chance to visit the BETA Institute of Technology facilities as well as the AccelWater pilot facility located in the MAFRICA meat processing industry.