AGENSO’s successful participation in AGROTICA

AGENSO has participated at the 28th International fair for agricultural machinery, equipment and supplies (Agrotica) for the first time and the presence was crowned with great success. A high number of visitors were informed about the services and innovations for the agricultural sector that AGENSO has developed.

The large number of visitors, farmers, agricultural advisors, geotechnical researchers, representatives of agrifood companies etc. that visited Pavillion 2, Stand 12a were briefed through discussions with AGENSO team and brochures about the company and the innovative precision farming systems that develops’.

Specifically the visitors were informed about three national projects funded by the action «RESEARCH-CREATE-INNOVATE», Operational Programme Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2014-2020: EffiSpray, a tool that calculates the ideal timeslot for spraying operations depending on weather conditions, OLIVEARTS, an innovative monitoring system for olive orchards and vineyards with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and EFFiTiLL, a system for the optimization of tillage operations. Also, a system for calculating the ideal amount of irrigation water based on crop needs was presented.

Most of the visitors were involved with precision agriculture technologies and were positive about integrating these innovations into agricultural practices. They were really interested in learning more about these technologies and mentioned that Agrotica gives them a chance to get familiar with these innovations.

Agrotica in one of largest exhibition brands in the agriculture sector in the Balkan and the European markets. With an intensely internationalised profile and a representative presentation of global technology from the entire spectrum of agricultural entrepreneurship, AGROTICA has raised the bar and increased volumes, sky high.

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