February 5, 2020
in EffiSpray, EffiTiLL, Events, National Projects, Products
AGENSO’s successful participation in AGROTICA
AGENSO has participated at the 28th International fair for agricultural machinery, equipment and supplies (Agrotica) for the first time and the presence…

January 9, 2020
in EffiSpray, EffiTiLL, Events, General News, OliveArts
AGENSO participates in AGROTICA for the first time!
AGENSO will participate for the first time in the biggest exhibition for agricultural sector in Greece, the 28th AGROTICA (International fair for…

December 18, 2019
in EffiSpray, EU Projects, Events, Innoseta, National Projects, Optima, SymbIoT
SymbIoT, EffiSpray and OPTIMA Projects presented on 1st Greek INNOSETA Regional Workshop
On 16 December 2019 the 1st Regional Workshop of INNOSETA project in Greece was held at Agricultural Association of Pella, in Giannitsa,…

November 23, 2019
in EffiSpray, National Projects, Products
EffiSpray tool available in 3 more countries!
The innovative tool EffiSpray developed by AGENSO for the optimization of spraying operations is now available for 4 countries: Greece, Italy, Brazil,…

November 15, 2019
in EffiSpray, EU Projects, Events, IRSUS, National Projects
AGENSO presented EffiSpray tool at the B2B event of IRSUS
EffiSpray, the tool for efficient spraying, developed and implemented by AGENSO was presented by AGENSO’s CEO Mr. Zisis Tsiropoulos at the IRSUS…

August 12, 2019
in EffiSpray, National Projects, Products
EffiSpray now on Google Play store
EffiSpray Android app developed by AGENSO is now available at Google Play. To download the app click here! EffiSpray is a new…

August 2, 2019
in EffiSpray, National Projects, Products
EffiSpray on Greek Press
Our latest tool reached the Greek press! Article about EffiSpray was published from the Greek newspaper Ypaithros Chora (in Greek). The CEO…

July 18, 2019
in EffiSpray, National Projects, Products
Global (worldwide) version of EffiSpray tool is online
EffiSpray (https://www.effispray.com/) is a new tool developed from AGENSO that calculates, depending on weather conditions, the ideal timeslot for spraying crops, making…

July 5, 2019
in EffiSpray, General News, National Projects, Products
Greek version of EffiSpray tool is online
EffiSpray (https://www.effispray.gr/) is the new tool developed by AGENSO for helping farmers in Greece to optimize spraying operations. A new version of…

May 8, 2018
in EffiSpray, EffiTiLL, National Projects, OliveArts, SymbIoT
4 National Projects in which AGENSO is participating, started today
The Secretariat of Research and Development has announced today the official start of 116 research projects that was funded through the action…