Development of GALANTHUS, a Greek resistance database for the main pests of Greek Agriculture

AGENSO in collaboration with the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH) and the Hellenic Agricultural Organization (ELGO)-Dimitra, developed the GALANTHOS Database, which is freely available in

GALANTHUS is a resistance management tool, which has been developed and aims to support and enhance the chemical control of the main pests of Greek agriculture, including insects, fungi and weeds.

By using the GALANTHUS interactive map users can generate geospatial/GIS maps including bioassay data (LC50, IG50, ED50, RF, etc.), molecular assays (enzyme activity), and molecular assays on mutations’ frequency, as well as resistance analysis for these pests to plant protection products applied.

You can find more information in the following link

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