H2020 (H2020-SPACE-EGNSS-2020)
Grant agreement no. 101004259
Artificial intelliGence applied to pRecision farmIng By the use of GNSS and Integrated Technologies


In General

The goal of AgriBIT is to improve the agriculture chain by delivering higher precision, more accurate and continuously available Precision Agriculture services, combining GNSS, and more specifically new high precision Galileo positioning and augmentation services like EGNOS, Earth Observation (EO) information with on-field and on-machine sensors and actuators, Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies and expert agricultural knowledge.

The overall objective of AgriBIT is to delivers a range of customizable and modular solutions suitable for various types of agricultural uses and brands of crops through six defined objectives:

  • Market and needs analysis
  • Higher precision location services
  • Affordable, European source, high precision Galileo and EGNOSS GNSS receiver
  • Bundle of PA services for farmers and farm advisors
  • Strategy for services uptake
  • Open service-oriented platform

More Information

AgriBIT delivers operational services (3 GNSS-enabler services, 8 GNSS-enabled services) and 1 European sourced high precision GNSS affordable receiver that cover the complete value chain of PA, from monitoring to application and precise and automated machinery guidance. With 70% of European farmers active in small to medium operations, AgriBIT’s European sourced high precision GNSS receiver at an affordable price is a major technological and societal contribution to Europe’s farming community.

AgriBIT includes an “20”-month piloting phase in peach production (Greece), tomato fields (Portugal) and vineyards (Italy), whose goal is not only to evaluate the adaptation of its services to user needs, but also create impact in key agricultural sectors.

The pilot in Greece (peach orchards) focuses on the full management of peach orchards, benefiting from the capability to overcome the limitation of EO and UAV data which cannot provide accurate results in orchards crops due to tree canopy shape.

The pilot in Portugal (tomatoes) focuses on the detailed management of diseases, speeding up the detection of diseases earlier during the growth period and delivering the ability to apply corrective measures earlier than without the use of GNSS services, i.e. before the harvest.

The pilot in Italy (vineyards) focuses on the management of 200 ha of vineyards, with a focus on being able to improve automatic guidance, decrease water usage and connect AgriBIT services to other management platforms.

AGENSO Contribution

AGENSO is leading WP2 (AgriBIT requirements and Design) and WP6 (Pilots Demonstrators). AGENSO’s main tasks (T2.1, T3.1, T3.3, T4.1, T4.2, T5.5, T7.3) will be the demonstration of user requirements, analysis of SoA in GNSS and base solution architecture implementation, the integration of GNSS enablers for precision agriculture, the analysis of GNSS impact in agriculture, the customization options to common applications in modern agriculture, the application of multi layered model, the connection on-site of farming operations and the users’ engagement.

AgriBIT Basics

Efficiency of food production
by sustainable management and conservation of natural resources
EO and GNSS enabled services
for accuracy improvement
Precision agriculture
improved services
Artificial Intelligence algorithms
for improved farmers' decision-making

Project Funding

  • Starting date : July 1st 2021
  • Duration : 36 Months
  • Status : Running
  • AGENSO participation type: Work Package Leader
Estimated Cost: €2,651,390 100%
EU Contribution: €2,155,715 81%
AGENSO Grant amount: €390,625 18%
  • This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 101004259.
pilot countries
> countries analyzed
> users engaged

AgriBIT Main Tasks

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