
H2020 (DT-ICT-02-2018)
Grant agreement no. 825395
Business-Oriented Support to the European Robotics and Agri-food Sector, towards a network of Digital Innovation Hubs in Robotics
agROBOfood network interactions

In General

agROBOfood is an EU funded project aiming to build a European ecosystem for the effective adoption of robotic technologies in the agri-food sector, which in turn will become more efficient and competitive. The heart of the project is formed by Innovation Experiments, organized and monitored by Digital Innovation Hubs, covering the whole European territory. In 7 Regional Clusters, Initial Innovation Experiments will demonstrate robotics innovations in agri-food, in a manner that ensures replicability and wide adoption across Europe. Digital Innovation Hubs will support companies in digitization by connecting various stakeholders.

More Information

agROBOfood is dedicated to accelerate the digital transformation of the European agri-food sector through the adoption of robotic technologies. It will consolidate, extend and strengthen the current ecosystem by establishing a sustainable network of DIHs. This will boost the uptake of robotic solutions by the agri-food sector: a huge challenge requiring an inclusive approach involving all relevant European players. The heart of the project is formed by Innovation Experiments (IEs), organized and monitored by the DIHs. In each of the 7 Regional Clusters, an initial IE will demonstrate the robotics innovations in agri-food in a manner that ensures replicability across Europe, wide adoption and sustainability of the DIHs network. agROBOfood will work in lockstep with the European robotics community, ensuring synergetic effects with initiatives such as EU-Robotics. This will maximize the return of European, including private capital, investments in the digital transformation of agri-food. A key instrument to achieve this objective is the Industrial Advisory Board. They will provide strategic guidance and also define priorities for the selection of solutions to be funded. Open Calls of 8 million euros will attract additional Innovation Experiments (12) and Industrial Challenges (8). These will expand the network and ensure that vast technological developments and emerging challenges of the agri-food sector are incorporated in the service portfolio of DIHs. Through its inclusive structure and ambitious targets, agROBOfood aims to bring the entire European ecosystem together; connecting the dots in a way that ensures effective adoption of robotics technologies in the European agri-food sector.

AGENSO Contribution

AGENSO will help in the development of a demonstrator robot for detecting mycotoxins, which are dangerous for health and can be found in any grain depending on genotypes and environment. The overarching aim of this Innovation Experiment is to accurately detect and pinpoint mycotoxins in situ in maize fields, as well as contribute to de facto standards in variable-rate spraying. This specific IE aims at sidesteping olfactometry technology into agricultural applications and building a demonstrator that maximises in situ mycotoxin detection and sprays precisely and only where needed, while at the same time decreasing the environmental and financial impact of spraying against mycotoxins.

agROBOfood Basics

Digital Transformation
Accelerated adoption of robotic technologies from the European agri-food sector
Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH Network)
Providing expertise and infrastructure to actors of the agri-food domain
Increase Technology Uptake
Meeting end user needs and demonstrating robotics solutions via Innovation Experiments
Innovation Experiments (IE)
Test and improvement of the network quality and services

Project Funding

  • Starting date : 01/06/2019
  • Duration : 48 Months
  • Status : Running
  • AGENSO participation type: Direct Beneficiary
Estimated Cost: €16,658,045 100%
EU Contribution: €15,999,768 83%
AGENSO grant amount: €99,750 3%
  • This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 825395
Innovation Experiments
Regional Clusters

AGENSO Main Tasks

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