Grant agreement no. 39884
Enabling Smart Livestock Farming Technologies for Environmental Sustainability using Blockchain

In General
FarmSustainaBl will apply a holistic approach for decreasing the GHG emissions derived from intensive livestock farming by optimizing the livestock production. For doing this, the consortium will (1) monitor the animal feed; (2) the animal behaviour and characteristics; and (3) the stable environment. A web based platform will be developed that will collect and analyse all the aforementioned data for providing recommendations to the livestock farming stakeholders (farmers, consultants etc) in order to take management decisions for reducing GHG emissions.
More Information
Farming livestock – cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and chickens – contributes around 6 billion tonnes of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide) to the atmosphere each year. While estimates vary, this could represent up to 18% of global emissions and at the same time, the consumption of meat, milk and eggs is projected to grow 70% by 2050. FarmSustainaBl ambition is to provide a reduction in GHG intensity of animal production systems in Europe by approaching three main pillars: one pillar relates to actual GHG reduction techniques, but it relies heavily on modelling and optimization in livestock management together with a blockchain component for preserving and maintaining the consumer and authority trust in the authenticity of produce from sustainable livestock agriculture. Precision Farming (PF) uses new technologies to handle and manage farm information. Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) technologies enable continuous, automatic monitoring of animal welfare, health, production and environmental impact in real-time.
AGENSO Contribution
AGENSO is the Manager and Coordinator of FarmSustainaBl project (WP1), taken into consideration the financial, administrative and technical aspects. AGENSO is also responsible for the Development of the integrated FarmSustainaBl platform for the monitoring and mitigation of GHG emissions from animal production systems (WP4). At the same time AGENSO will take an active role in the Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation of the project activities and its results (WP6).
FarmSustainaBl Basics
Reduce GHG emissions
from livestock through technology and management and by setting up “FarmSustainBl Cloud”Animal Monitoring
of welfare, health, production and environmental impact in real-time through Precision Livestock Farming (PLF)Wireless Sensor Network
establishment for measuring specific parameters of the livestockDevelopment
of innovative FarmSustainBl platformProject Funding
- Starting date : 01/10/2019
- Duration : 36 Months
- Status : Running
- AGENSO participation type: Coordinator
- This project has received funding from the European Union’s ICT-AGRI ERA-NET Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 39884
% Reduction of Greenhouse Gases
Experimental Sites
Under Development Solutions
AGENSO Main Tasks
AGENSO will manage and coordinate FarmSustainaBl project, taking into consideration the financial, administrative and technical aspects.
AGENSO will provide an efficient Decision Support System capable to optimize livestock farming production and decrease GHGs emissions. DSS will be capable to monitor and support decisions regarding animal, feed and stable environment management.
The activities include the creation of the project Communication and Dissemination Strategy; the development of the web-portal as long as the creation of pages and groups in various Social Media; the development of the FarmSustainaBl Dissemination Materials.
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