ESPA 2014-2020
Grant agreement no. Τ1ΕΔΚ-01774
Smart monitoring of olive groves and vineyards using Unmanned Aircraft Systems.

In General

OLIVEARTS will develop an online platform that collects and processes Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles (UAVs) imagery from vineyards and olive groves for providing information regarding plant health, estimating pruning biomass and final production quantity and quality. UAVs have become very popular the last years and they have been an important tool in monitoring these crops. UAVs offer a number of advantages over competitive platforms such as satellites, robots, manned aircraft and on-site crop scouting. Precision agriculture is a sector that these systems are often used, because different kind of sensors can be mounted and used to identify the number of trees, monitor robustness and biomass as well as to estimate the quantity and quality of the production.

More Information

OLIVEARTS online platform will be able to provide results that offer high added value services such as recognizing the number of trees in an olive grove, identifying vineyard planting line, plant health, estimating pruning biomass, estimation of final production quantity and final production quality. UAVs can provide these information covering large areas quickly, with high resolution. In this way they reduce cost and risk for the operator. In addition, modern technology now allows the transfer of sensors, which can be loaded to assess important crop parameters such as water stress, biomass, and disease infestation, weed mapping etc. The use of OLIVEARTS platform will help farmers to reduce significantly crop inputs like water, fertilizers, plant protection products and at the same time increase crop production in vineyards and olive groves.

AGENSO Contribution

AGENSO is leader at WP3 (“Development of Data processing platform from UAVs ”) and WP4 (“Documentations and evaluation of the results by using UAVs ”). Main aim of WP3 is to create a methodology for collecting and utilizing data from UAVs and create an automated data processing platform following this methodology. On WP4 AGENSO will document the results from the added value services using UAVs and evaluate their use in vineyards and olive groves.


UAV integration
in olive groves and vineyards for accurate and high resolution data collection
of the tree number of olive groves and planting rows of vineyards
plant health and biomass estimation
the quantity and quality of the final product

Project Funding

  • Starting date : 08/05/2018
  • Duration : 36 Months
  • Status : Running
  • AGENSO participation type: Direct Beneficiary
Estimated Cost: €246,841.00 100%
National Contribution: €197,472.80 80%
AGENSO grant amount: €80,000.00 40%
  • Co‐financed by the European Union and Greek national funds through the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, under the call RESEARCH – CREATE - INNOVATE (project code: Τ1ΕΔΚ-01774)
% Energy Savings
Supported Crops
cm Resolution Accuracy Precision

AGENSO Main Tasks

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