H2020 (PRIMA - Partnership for Research & Innovation in the Mediterranean Area)
Grant agreement no. [2142] [SURE_NEXUS] [Call 2021 Section 1 Nexus IA]
Ensure Fair Nexus Transition for Climate Change, Adaptation and Sustainable Development

In General

SureNexus will develop, demonstrate and validate a planning and management framework for transition in NEXUS implementation that:

  1. is dynamically adaptive, evolutionary, transformative and replicable,
  2. can acknowledge agricultural and touristic areas as a system in relation to urban and semi-urban areas and ecosystems
  3. will be able to use data mining and machine learning to establish future scenarios based on the specific needs and challenges and
  4. adopts a multifactor approach to involve key stakeholders to develop sustainable and cost-effective solutions that tackle their needs and constraints and therefore maximize their uptake

More Information

SureNexus will support informed and evidence-based decision making for a fair transition to climate change adaptation and mitigation as well as sustainable development enhancing the implementation of the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) NEXUS approach. SureNexus will extend and disseminate it in the different key sectors in a local/regional scale.

The main approach is to produce healthy and sufficient food, with less resources (water, soil, energy and nutrients) through regenerative and precision agriculture including permaculture practices and with minimal impact to the environment. The project will establish demonstrators of promising small-scale innovative solutions and evaluate their productivity and value to the local community, driving technology acceptance and mentality change. Integrated tools will be tested in four innovative Living Labs, focused on relevant Nexus actions.

At the same time, SureNexus will bridge the barrier and the resistance to changes through the development of interconnected networks (network of networks) of grass root community projects and foster MED knowledge transfer and best practices, coupled with intersectoral cooperation.

AGENSO Contribution

AGENSO will be WP2 co-leader and will contribute to different tasks in the project, as to install IoT systems for monitoring the environmental parameters and be responsible for the creation and development of the project Stakeholder Platform (SHP), collaborating in the networking map development and in the acceleration of the innovation.

AGENSO will also contribute to the communication tasks for project management and to the ethics management.

Finally, AGENSO will also collaborate in the knowledge systematization and in the planning and management framework and will lead the communication and dissemination tasks.

SureNexus Basics

Integrated management of WEFE resources
Support the identification and development of practical solutions where the use of a nexus approach can lead to improved outcomes
Circular economy
Enable the deployment of methodologies and guidelines stimulating the reduction of water use and deliver tools addressing the cascading effects and impacts on other sectors in a circular economy perspective
Sustainability in Tourism
Innovative integration of several technologies for decentralized and completely self-sufficient tourism facility
Machine learning and data mining
User-friendly tool to assess different scenarios for nexus implementation

Project Funding

  • Starting date : April 1st 2022
  • Duration : 36 Months
  • Status : Running
  • AGENSO participation type: Work Package Co-Leader
Estimated Cost: €4,329,051.00 100%
EU Contribution: €3,891,543.00 89%
AGENSO Grant amount: €93,750.00 2%
  • This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement [2142] [SURE_NEXUS] [Call 2021 Section 1 Nexus IA].
work packages

SureNexus Main Tasks

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