Final consortium meeting for the EU project AgriBIT
On July 8-9, 2024, the final consortium meeting of the European project AgriBIT took place in Thessaloniki. AGENSO, as a member of…
As part of the 30th Agrotica Exhibition, a presentation and demonstration day of AgriBIT will take place. The presentation will take place…
The first teaser from the AgribIT H2020 project, in which AGENSO is participating, has just been published! To find more about the…
The AGRIBIT website is now live!
AGRIBIT is an EU project (Horizon2020) that researches and develops innovative and economic solutions for provision of positioning and tracking based on…
Distance from Home Greek
Το Distance from Home είναι ένα εργαλείο που υπολογίζει την πραγματική απόσταση από μια καθορισμένη τοποθεσία σε σχέση με την τρέχουσα θέση…
Distance from Home
Distance from Home is a tool that calculates the actual distance from a defined location in relation to your current position using…
On 16 December 2019 the 1st Regional Workshop of INNOSETA project in Greece was held at Agricultural Association of Pella, in Giannitsa,…
AGENSO and Neuropublic, partners in SymbIoT project realesed the new logo for the project! SymbIoT is a project funded by the action…
Symbiot Project lg
AGENSO is collaborating with Neuropublic and the agricultural association 7 Grapes –Pegasus Coop to create a low-cost and high accuracy GNSS (Global…
SymbIoT kick-off meeting was held today, organized from Neuropublic. AGENSO as a project participant joined the meeting, which goal was to arrange…

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