Kickoff Meeting for AquaLoops4Med project
On the 1st-2nd of October 2024, the kick-off meeting for the European AquaLoops4Med project was held in Girona, Spain. The project is…
Kickoff Meeting for I3-4-BIOFERTILIZERS project
On the 12th-13th of September in Vic, Spain, the kick-off meeting of the European project I3-4-BIOFERTILIZERS took place. AGENSO, as a partner…
Final consortium meeting for the EU project AgriBIT
On July 8-9, 2024, the final consortium meeting of the European project AgriBIT took place in Thessaloniki. AGENSO, as a member of…
Event "Innovative Techniques in the Agri-Food Sector" in Amfikleia
Within the framework of the European Projects DEGREBE and ITFARM, an event entitled “Innovative Techniques in the Agri-Food Sector” is being organized…
A&R EXPO 2024
AGENSO is once again at the center of progress, by supporting the development and promotion of new technologies, with its participation in…
In the following video you can find a small presentation of the company and the solutions it offers. The video was made…
On the weekend of December 9-10, 2023, AGENSO attended the GreenTech Challenge 2023 semi-final and final event. The CEO of the company,…
AGENSO at the Oenolytics Conference 2023
During the Oenolytics conference, which took place on June 22, 2023 at the Marco Wine Museum, AGENSO’s CEO presents the company’s research…
4th meeting of the AccelWater project
The 4th project coordination meeting took place in Athens, in November 2022 (14th and 15th). It was organized by AGENSO and most consortium members…
AGENSO’s participation in the 10th Regional Growth Conference
In the city of Patras, AGENSO is showcasing some of the company’s solutions, such as AccelWater, CIRC4FooD and, in the Regional…

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