On the 24th of November 2022 SmartProtect project and the Portuguese National Institute of Agricultural and Veterinary Research (INIAV) performed a workshop…
SmartProtect project conducted its General Assembly meeting in INIAV (Portuguese National Institute of Agricultural and Veterinary Research) premises in Oeiras, Portugal between…
The scientific article entitled "CIRC4FooD Platform: An Intelligent Management System Supporting Sustainable Urban Agriculture", was awarded as one of the best articles…
On the 1st of March 2022 at 10:00 a.m., the 1st Greek Regional Innovation Workshop of the AgroFossilFree project was conducted at…
After two years of online collaboration between the SmartProtect partners due to the pandemic, the General Assembly of the project’s partners took…
Our brand-new platform is now available. AGENSO has developed the AgEnergy platform (https://platform.agrofossilfree.eu), a freely accessible repository for all stakeholders involved in…

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