The Innoseta Platform has been officially launched!

What is the Innoseta Platform? How does it work?

The Innoseta Platform is a freely accessible repository of innovative spraying technology, training material, projects and papers tailored to the needs of the spraying community. The platform has as aim to be a one-stop shop for all information on spraying innovations.

Let’s say you are a farmer looking for the latest info on “Optimizing the precision of spraying”. Selecting this as keyword in the search engine of the platform provides you with a list of technology innovations, but also training tools and relevant articles published in domain specific journals. Each record provides relevant information on the SETA, such as a short abstract, links to more information and related websites, field of application, type of sprayer/operation/ technology. Also researchers and manufacturers can get -by a simple click- an overview of relevant products on the market, ongoing research projects or articles on for instance “Early disease detection systems”. Filters allow the platform user to fine tune the search results on crop system, but also on application and sprayer type or on the effects of the innovation or on keyword selection and language. That’s right, the search filters and main info of the platform content is translated in 8 languages (English, French, Spanish, Italian, Greek, Polish, Dutch and Swedish)!

To date, already over 200 records are included in the platform and the content is growing each day. Furthermore, all interested parties have the possibility to suggest additional innovations to the platform. Just register to the platform and select the “New seta” tab. After submission of the requested info, the INNOSETA partners will verify, translate and upload the information online. As registered platform user you additionally have the possibility to rate training material, papers and projects and see the overall score of each of these records. Be part of the community and take the chance to discover the platform and become part of the Innoseta network!



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