Smart-AKIS Final Conference
Two of AGENSO H2020 projects (INNOSETA and GATES), will participate in the Smart Agriculture Exhibition Village that will take place in parallel…
Olivearts logo
AGENSO hosted today the kick-off meeting of OliveArts project, which aims to create various Precision Agriculture services for viticulture and olive sector.…
SymbIoT kick-off meeting was held today, organized from Neuropublic. AGENSO as a project participant joined the meeting, which goal was to arrange…
GATES Berlin
The third consortium meeting of GATES, in which AGENSO is a project partner, was held yesterday in Berlin, Germany, at Mad About…
INNOSETA kick-off Meeting
INNOSETA kick-off meeting was held between May 16th - 17th 2018, at Castelldefels, Spain, organized from UPC (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya). AGENSO…
3rd Hellenic Plant Medicine Meeting
H2020 project Ochravine Control, in which AGENSO is participating, was presented today at the 3rd Hellenic Plant Medicine meeting that was held…
OchraVine Meeting DSS
AGENSO organized today a meeting with all the secondments of H2020 OchraVine project that are been seconded at the city of Athens…
GATES the acronym of “Applying GAming Technologies for training professionals in Smart Farming” is a European project. It is supported by the…

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